Drug abuse, see Drugs
Cancer drug repository program established by DHFS; civil liability immunity provision -  Act 175
Challenge incarceration program for adult offenders; earned release for graduates of drug abuse correctional program [Sec. 2502-2506, 2508, 2748-2751, 9319 (1), (2)]  -  Act 33
Cost sharing and drug copayment under MA and Badger Care; DHFS cost-sharing schedule repealed [Sec. 460, 1373-1376, 1419-1422, 9324 (15), (16), 9424 (9)]  -  Act 33
Crime victim compensation revisions [Sec. 2739, 2740] -  Act 33
Drug crimes prosecution in Dane County: funding for assistant DA [Sec. 9101 (1)] -  Act 33
Drug crimes prosecution in Milwaukee County: funding for assistant DAs [Sec. 9101 (2)] -  Act 33
Drug paraphernalia and possession of marijuana: ordinances revised in county with population over 500,000  -  Act 193
Federal registration number for prescribers of controlled substances: use on a prescription that is not a controlled substance or without prescriber's consent prohibited  -  Act 272
Methamphetamine possession penalty revised -  Act 49
Nervous or mental disorder or alcoholism or AODA treatment: prescription drug and diagnostic testing not included in minimum health insurance coverage limits; provider and policy provisions -  Act 178
Pharmacy benefits purchasing pool: GIB to develop with JCF approval [Sec. 1026r] [partial veto]  -  Act 33
Prescription drug assistance for elderly persons: federal benefits appropriation; long-term care insurance provision; enrollment fee and copayment revisions [Sec. 463d, 1438h-1446h, 1447g, h, 9324 (13d), (13q), 9424 (11g)] [1438h, 1445h, 1446g, h, 9324 (13d), 9424 (11g) — vetoed]  -  Act 33
Prescription drug cost controls and drug purchasing agreements; prescription drug prior authorization provisions; DHFS report required; Mental health medication review committee created [Sec. 1392p-1393, 9124 (8w), 9424 (8w)] [1393 — partial veto; 1392p-u, 9124 (8w), 9424 (8w) — vetoed]  -  Act 33
Prescription drugs returned to state prison pharmacies: dispensing permitted; conditions set -  Act 54
Restricted controlled substances: operating a motor vehicle, ATV, snowmobile, or motorboat or operating or going armed with a firearm with detectable amounts in person's blood prohibited; definition provided -  Act 97
ATV law revisions re registration fees, nonresident trail pass, operation of by minors, penalties for OWI, noise restrictions, and certain funding -  Act 251
Dunn county
Rural health dental clinics in cities of Ladysmith and Menomonie: funding revision [Sec. 2061] -  Act 33
Dwelling or dwelling code, see Housing
- E -
Earned income tax credit, see Income tax — Credit
Educational approval board
Proprietary schools: EAB to collect student protection fee to cover losses if school closes unexpectedly; limit on collection of fee [Sec. 565, 1094-1095m] -  Act 33
Educational communications board
Appropriation revisions -  Act 1
Instructional material appropriation: separate account eliminated [Sec. 303, 304, 947, 9213 (1)]  -  Act 33
Educational service agency, Cooperative
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: educational agency exempt [vetoed] -  AB-41
Testing an individual for HIV re significant exposure in perfoming employment duties: authority expanded to schools, CESAs, and social workers -  Act 271
Election administration costs financing and establishment of an election administration fund re federal Help America Vote Act [partial veto] -  Act 35
Federally financed election administration costs: state contribution towards -  Act 266
Help America Vote Act of 2002 administration costs: DOA and Elections Board directed to request JCF to transfer moneys -  Act 296
Official action by state or local public official holding an elective office in return for providing or withholding political contributions prohibited; forfeiture, Ethics Board, DA, and election provisions (reenacts changes made by 2001 WisAct 109)  -  Act 39
Voter registration, voting requirements and procedures, and administration of elections: laws revised; Help America Vote Act of 2002 provisions; LAB, JCF, and Elections Board duties -  Act 265
Elections — Ballots, see also Voting
Voter registration: valid Wisconsin driver's license or ID card or U.S. uniformed service ID required; use of corroboration repealed; absentee ballot and DOT provisions; photo requirement exemption re religious tenets [vetoed]  -  AB-111
Voter registration, voting requirements and procedures, and administration of elections: laws revised; Help America Vote Act of 2002 provisions; LAB, JCF, and Elections Board duties -  Act 265
Elections — Officials
Chief inspector re elections: requirements revised -  Act 143
Election official compensation, recruitment and training program, and certification: Elections Board recommendations required -  Act 98
Voter registration, voting requirements and procedures, and administration of elections: laws revised; Help America Vote Act of 2002 provisions; LAB, JCF, and Elections Board duties -  Act 265
Elections — Registration
Statewide computerized election registration system implemented from moneys allocated by JCF: DOA to ensure state does not seek reimbursement from federal goverment for expenditures [Sec. 9101 (12p)] -  Act 33
Voter registration: valid Wisconsin driver's license or ID card or U.S. uniformed service ID required; use of corroboration repealed; absentee ballot and DOT provisions; photo requirement exemption re religious tenets [vetoed]  -  AB-111
Voter registration, voting requirements and procedures, and administration of elections: laws revised; Help America Vote Act of 2002 provisions; LAB, JCF, and Elections Board duties -  Act 265
Elections board
Chief inspector re elections: requirements revised -  Act 143
Election official compensation, recruitment and training program, and certification: Elections Board recommendations required -  Act 98
Help America Vote Act of 2002 administration costs: DOA and Elections Board directed to request JCF to transfer moneys -  Act 296
Voter registration, voting requirements and procedures, and administration of elections: laws revised; Help America Vote Act of 2002 provisions; LAB, JCF, and Elections Board duties -  Act 265
Electric utility, see also Public utility
Environmental trust bonds created to finance the cost of certain environmental control activities; PSC duties specified  -  Act 152
Public utility facility construction in certain cases, utility aid payments, and utility condemnations revisions; DNR and PSC duties; brownfields and environmental assessment provisions -  Act 89
Strategic energy assessments by PSC revised [vetoed] -  AB-735
Transmission company with the duty to provide electric transmission service in this state: withdrawing from the Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO) and power and duties after; PSC provision -  Act 40
Utility security system plans: definitions and withholding public access [vetoed] -  SB-8
Electric vehicle, see Motor vehicle
Electricity and fuel consumed in manufacturing tangible personal property: income or franchise tax credit and sales and use tax provisions revised; manufacturing investment credit created -  Act 99
Energy impact report re legislative proposal or state agency rule that impacts cost or reliability of electricity: legislator may request and PSC to prepare -  Act 277
Income and franchise tax credit for sales and use tax paid on fuel and electricity consumed in manufacturing tangible property modified re carry forward; allowing refunds for claiming certain development zones and technology zones tax credits [partial veto] -  Act 267
Electronic data processing, see Data processing
Electronic government, Department of
Appropriation revisions -  Act 1
Electronic Government, Department of, abolished; functions transferred to DOA [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"]  -  Act 33
Operations funding at DER, DEG, and Division of housing for certain period of time [Sec. 9101 (10), 9115 (2), 9118 (2)] -  Act 33
Penalty assessment receipts transfer [Sec. 556t, 588t, 2671g, 9101 (11p), 9201 (1p), 9210 (1p), 9215 (1) (gp), 9232 (1p), 9240 (1p), 9241 (1p)] -  Act 33
Wireless 911 service: surcharge on customers and grants to wireless providers; PSC and DEG duties specified; Land Information Board provision [partial veto]  -  Act 48
Electronic signature, see Data processing
Elk, see Game
Emergency medical service or technician (EMS or EMT), see Medical service
Emergency number system (911), see Telephone